Concrete joint damage is a common problem seen in industrial concrete floors. Heavy forklift traffic coupled with weak and unprotected concrete causes minor to major damage, especially at the joints. Many of our customers are frustrated with failed concrete joint repair that last no longer than a few months. When repairing concrete joints (either expansion joints or control joints and even structural concrete cracks), it is important to use proper products and procedures to guarantee their success.
Concrete Joint Repair Procedures Depend on the Damage:
#1 Prevention is the first step in stopping concrete joint repair: The most common cause of joint damage is unfilled joints. Filling concrete control and expansion joints protects them from hard-wheeled traffic causing joint spalls. Control and expansion joint filler should be installed when the construction is new and the concrete has fully cured. This is the most cost-effective concrete joint repair option
#2 Minor Joint Spalls: When joints begin to chip away concrete joint repair is minimal. Before minor joint spalls worsen is an ideal time to repair them. This can be achieved by thoroughly cleaning and prepping the damaged areas to receive an industrial product with a superior bond. The product then requires a flush grind for a smooth transition for wheeled traffic. In addition, it is recommended to fill all joints at this time.

Before and After – Fully Rebuilt Concrete Joint
#3 Major Joint Spalls and Damage: If minor joint damage is left untreated, it can eventually wear joints down so bad that they require a structural rebuild. Joint rebuilding is a process of cutting out the concrete around the joint and preparing it for new, stronger mortars. Those patches are then recut to allow the joint line to move as it is intended to. This concrete joint repair option can be achieved with minimal downtime and fast-curing products to have minimal impact on your facility.
Concrete Joint Repair Uses:
- Warehouses, Distribution Centers, & Factories
- Cooler and Freezer Storage
- USDA and FDA Facitilies
- Industrial Manufacturing Plants
- In conjunction with Polished Concrete Floors
Titus Restoration uses products and procedures for concrete joint repair that are industrial strength and lasting. For more information on a concrete joint repair project, contact our team for free site evaluations and more information.