Epoxy Removal Before
When renovating concrete floors, often epoxy coatings fail due to moisture, poor surface prep, or wear over time. Epoxy removal is the first step to floor restoration with either a new coating or a polished concrete floor.
Epoxy Removal

Epoxy Removal After w/ Polished Concrete
Many old warehouses, shops, and manufacturing plants have been previously coated with an epoxy, concrete floor paint, or other coating system. Over time, these paints fail for one reason or another and become harder to maintain as they wear or chip away. One way to restore the floor is through epoxy removal from concrete and either re-coat or polish the concrete beneath it. What ever you are looking to do with your floor, we can help! We have removed several layers of floor paint and cleaned and polished to restore beauty and longevity.

Paint to be Removed
Depending on the thickness of the paint, some floors require the concrete floor paint to be removed by steel shot blasting while others can be removed through diamond grinding. If you are prepping for a new floor coating system, steel shotblasting will be the way to achieve epoxy removal and at the same time giving the floor the profile it needs to be re-coated.
For more information on removing paint from concrete, contact our team of flooring removal specialists.