Pitted, spalled, eroded or exposed aggregate in your concrete? It might be time for concrete resurfacing. The longer you put off this task, the more expensive and time consuming it could be, so don’t delay your concrete resurfacing project – talk to the experts today!

Before: Dusty concrete floors are difficult to maintain & Joint damage causes costly forklift damage.

After: Concrete floors are restored to a smooth, cleanable, and dustfree surface.
Why would a concrete floor require Resurfacing – Is concrete resurfacing the right step?
There are many things to consider about your facility when thinking about concrete resurfacing, here are some our guidelines to see if you a ready for this:

Major pits in concrete cause slowed forklift traffic and need to be professionally patched.
Guideline #1: Are pits, erosion, joint damage or causing a loss in production? Concrete resurfacing is an all-encompassing term for any type of concrete repair or restoration. The controversy, however, is that most people assume is it very costly and will continue to work around damaged concrete rather than repair it. Furthermore, they may try to repair the concrete floors themselves and end up wasting money on failed patches and repairs. Regardless, when damaged concrete causes bumpy aisles for forklift drivers and production is slowed it is time to repair the concrete floor.

Eroded and Dusty concrete is difficult to clean.
Guideline #2: Is your facility becoming increasingly harder to maintain? It might be a customer, corporate, or insurance that requires the floor be kept clean, but regardless of the reason for floor cleaning and maintenance it is important that is performed within budget. Often when concrete floors are damaged they crumble, trap dirt and debris, and are DUSTY. This dusty concrete floor may be causing your employees to suffer from breathing issues and is definitely wearing forklift tires faster than you realize. Bottom line: If maintenance cost have become too high, it might be time to seek concrete resurfacing ideas for creating a dust-proof concrete floor that is smooth and easy to clean.

Damage worsens with forklift traffic.
Guideline #3: Is the damaged concrete continuously getting worse? When concrete starts to spall or erode there is no stopping it. Traffic will continue to erode small pits and divots into large ones sometimes even to the point of exposing rebar. Concrete restoration and repairs are the best way to stop the damage from spreading. If the damage is already wide-spread, consider getting a free evaluation on a cost-effective way to perform concrete resurfacing.